Main Beach Volleyball Club is holding makeup tryouts for the 12s teams. Tryouts for our 12U teams will be on Sunday, November 5. You must pre-register! This will ensure the best tryout experience for your athlete and communication from our staff post-tryout.
The 2023-2024 coaches will be announced soon.
Tryout Details: Sunday, November 5
Cabrillo College Gymnasium
6500 Soquel Drive
Aptos, CA 95003
Tryout Times:
12U → 11:00AM-12:00 PM
Check in begins promptly at: 10:30 AM.
Tryout Fees:
Pre-register today! This ensures the best tryout for your athlete and accounts for ease of communication with your family post-tryout.
Please follow the link above and check your player’s correct age definition as defined by USA Volleyball. See below for a brief summary:
12 and under - Players born on or after 7/1/11
Mandatory Parent Meeting
There will be a mandatory parent meeting at the beginning of the tryout. One parent from each participant must attend, attendance will be noted and absentees will be invited to another meeting before club signing night.